Our investment strategies are based on noted academic scholars, independent investor research and Nobel Prize winning asset allocation and diversification. Our custom designed investment portfolios are based on your individual tolerance for risk and allocated and diversified in more than 14,000 companies in 39 countries globally.
Most investment advisors and brokerage firms attempt to predict the future by…trying to pick the right stocks…at the right time…based on something that’s happened in the past.
So the choice is yours…if you believe you or some investment advisor or big brokerage firm can consistently predict the future…then you should take advantage of this heretofore unheard of gift by…picking the right stock…at the right time…every time. If on the other hand…you recognize that No One can predict the future…then you should utilize investment strategies based on numerous academic and Nobel Prize winning scholars which have been overwhelming confirmed by independent research organizations.
To put “The Difference” to work for you and your family call our office today for a No Charge/No Obligation Consultation call our office today at 989-269-9231 or click on this link to e-mail us. Don’t waste another day speculating and gambling with your hard earned money.