Over the years, when it comes to learning about investments and how markets work, I’ve had many investors say, “I trust you”…”Whatever you think is best”…”I don’t have the time.” Investing can be a very complex process, but you don’t need to understand all the intricacies. You do however need a general understanding of how and why markets work. This general understanding is important in establishing your investment philosophy and your emotional risk tolerance. These two factors are the foundation for designing an appropriate investment portfolio which will reduce stress, frustration and anxiety and enable you to achieve greater peace of mind about your families’ financial future. We all understand markets go up and down…it’s a simple fact. Anybody can deal with the UP times! How investor’s do during the difficult DOWN times often determines the difference between success and failure. As a financial coach I provide the investor education, discipline and emotional support necessary to keep the investor on track and on target to build wealth and achieve their financial goals.